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Revenue Growth Management

Revenue Growth Management

+ Marketing Consultancy & Promotional Initiatives 
Today’s competitive scenario in the health care industry demands that the marketing division of any hospital ensures a steady and increasing flow of patients. However, with the team of Accomplished, result driven market expert and consultant working, always provide strategic plan of action towards not only increasing the number of patients but to also impart knowledge about the preventive, corrective and palliative ways of awareness against treating diseases. This is what makes us differentiate from other Provides. After long period of extensive involvement, our marketing Strategy has become unique and effective and we ensures that their message not only reaches the urban but also the rural population. We always make sure that our goals are in line with our clients goals.

+ Referral Doctors Network Promotions
 • Having a huge healthcare provider network included of Hospital, daycare unit, Clinics, Dispensaries, Laboratory and diagnostic centers provides an access to constantly promote knowledge about the facilities available by clients (hospital).
 • The team ensures that it walks the extra mile in making sure that the best doctors are affiliated with us. 
• Our Continuous Medical Education (CME) programs and specialized conferences are organized to provide a healthy platform for medical professionals, to Connect and Grow. 
• Every doctor who makes a valuable contribution towards our mantra ‘world-class medical care within everybody's reach’ is suitably honored by our network.

+ Corporate Empanelment
 Medical Insurance is a sector which has registered an exponential growth in India, of late. It has become a savior to the common man, catering to needs for medical treatment and assistance. We provide a guided path to tie-up with insurance companies and Third Party Administrators (TPAs), to provide hassle-free and cashless medical treatment to all.

 + Corporate Division Promotions 
 • The corporate team works towards providing awareness to employees of various corporate organizations empanelled with the provided Insurance/TPA’s. 
• The team works amicably to provide awareness about the medical facilities provided by clients at negotiable rates and also towards creating an opportunity for cashless medical treatment. 

+ Health check-up camp Promotions 
 • In today’s scenario medical camps have become an extended marketing tool to bring in patients. Camps are organized in line with the client’s goal of imparting awareness about the Services provided and preventive, corrective and palliative ways them, treating the patients . 
• Our camp team identifies rural areas, where the awareness ratio is extremely low and holds camps to create awareness of the services provided by our clients. • All participants of the camps are eligible to avail a special concession and offers, for purpose of promotions 
 • We provide assistance for general camps, eye camps, specialty camps, blood donation camps, first-aid camps, cleft camps and camps includes students and pensioners. 

+ Digital & media Promotions

 From developing powerful stories, to collaborating with the media, to placing our clients on Television, in radio shows, in newspapers or in magazines, we have successfully partnered our clients in numerous communication campaigns, we are committed to offering specialized campaigns supported by adequate individual attention that a brand commands. The digital revolution has opened the flood gates for evolving digital marketing formats that are resulting in vertical specializations. Terms such as Social Media Marketing, Digital Branding, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, etc have become the order of the day for marketers. Gone are the days when advertising in print newspapers or magazines were the only form of marketing communication. Set against this backdrop is the new range of tools that have emerged today to help marketers in the digital domain in the forefront of this dynamic revolution. We are well equipped to counsel and support with any related campaign that straddles PR in modern day digital media. Our services include Social Media Marketing and Online Content Marketing. Social Media Marketing is an extension of PR services where conversations online are monitored and influenced for possible results. This is a crucial and elaborate process that requires meticulous research and planning to achieve desired results. Online Content Marketing is another must have in your marketing mix. In today’s world of cluttered communication, it is imperative for a brand to maintain and control a content powered profile in the digital arena. Content marketing is an extension of PR and needs to be planned and implemented strategically.

+ Customer Satisfaction and Public Relation 

Transform feedback into growth for your organization. We at HAND Corp believes that the patient doctor relationship is based on trust and comfort and it continues.
